Main media center of the
2014 Winter Olympic Games

Polymedia experts have equipped the following areas of the Main media center with hi-tech equipment.

Four press-conference halls:

Pushkin hall, 465 seats;
Tolstoy hall, 220 seats;
Dostoyevsky hall, 140 seats;
Chekhov hall, 50 seats.

Pushkin hall

The hall features two video walls based on narrow bezel Panasonic LCD panels (diagonal 55") as information display tools (IDT), each in a 3x3 configuration, as well as 2 auxiliary 60" Panasonic panels located in the hall on mobile stands.
Main media center of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games
Polymedia experts have equipped the following areas of the Main media center with hi-tech equipment.

Four press-conference halls:

Pushkin hall, 465 seats;
Tolstoy hall, 220 seats;
Dostoyevsky hall, 140 seats;
Chekhov hall, 50 seats.

Pushkin hall

The hall features two video walls based on narrow bezel Panasonic LCD panels (diagonal 55") as information display tools (IDT), each in a 3x3 configuration, as well as 2 auxiliary 60" Panasonic panels located in the hall on mobile stands.

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